For #MakeoverMonday week 30 and this is my 50th Post, Eva shared the viz on paid maternity leave for various countries including the OECD. This viz shows the weeks of paid maternity leave and average payment rate across maternity leave.

Here is the original viz :

Original Visualization

Data is available on and source of data was OECD

Whats good?

  • Clear sub-titles with explanation what each chart represents
  • Sorted on number of paid weeks of maternity leave
  • Showing how much each country pays for Maternity leave in %

Here is what I did:

  • First thing I observed was that non-european countries has lower paid maternity weeks than european countries. Hence I filtered for non-european countries and remove all european countries
  • Create Ring chart to show the values on Paid maternity weeks of leave and simple one chart solution to display results.
  • Selected hue-circle color palette to show countries with different colors

Here is the Image of the visualisation I created (Click on image to get interactive version):

Click here for Tableau file

Thanks Eva Murray for this workout.

Happy Data Visualisation!!!!

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For #MakeoverMonday week 29, Andy shared the viz from What’s the Cap? and it was designed by whatsthecapIt was about NBA Team salaries and Salary cap since 1985-86. 

Here is the original viz :

Screen Shot 2018-07-15 at 12.46.55 pm.png

Data is available on and source of data was Celtics Hub

Whats good?

  • Interactive tooltips to know the max, min and average salaries and actual salary cap
  • Clean time-series data with 3 distinct lines for highest, average and lowest payroll with bar chart to plot the salary cap which depicts the trend over last 32 seasons
  • Clear Y-axis labeling
  • Use of different colors for each line and bar with legend to distinguish each other

Here is what I did:

  • First of all I used the Andy’s Franchise mapping, since the teams have moved cities and changed their names over last 30 years.
  • I wanted to show all the teams which helps in comparisons and I finalized on bar chart.
  • Added indicator line for salary cap to see how many franchises adhere to salary cap and how many spent above salary cap
  • I wanted to compare franchises salary vs salary cap each season hence I introduced the filter for season
  • Added tooltip and text label to show the variance in Teams salary vs salary cap

Here is the Image of the visualisation I created (Click on image to get interactive version):

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For #MakeoverMonday week 28, this week it was time to work with Volcano eruption data. We have been hearing lot about disruptions caused by Volcano in last few years and this dataset was about all volcanoes with their geo spatial information and rock type.

Here is the original viz:

original visualization

Data is available on and source of data was Global Volcano Program

Whats good?

  • Color selected to highlight the active and inactive volcanos
  • Label given to known volcanoes which were in news in last few years.
  • Sorting by size showing the elevation height of volcanoes and its type

Here is what I did:

  • Plotted terrain map with the location of each volcanos and if user selects any volcano then details section to state the details along with the tooltip.
  • Added dot plot using shape with their rock types to know about various rock type found in volcanoes
  • splitted the years mentioned into 5 buckets to show how volcanoes eruptions have evolved in last few years

Here is the Image of the visualisation I created (Click on image to get interactive version):

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For #MakeoverMonday week 27, this week it was time to work on Rats sightings in New York. It was interesting data about Rats sightings in New York City from 2010 till date with details about it.

Here is the original viz was created by Jowanza Joseph and it seemed to be from R:

Data is available on and source of data was NYC Open Data

Whats good?

  • Simple chart with clear axis which makes it easy to understand
  • Cyclic nature of Rats sighting every year
  • Average line to give an indicator about steady growth in sightings

Here is what I did:

  • Use of Bar chart to represent sightings for each year and its growth from previous year
  • Added month wise and year wise heat map which shows the cyclic nature of sightings each year (around May to Aug)
  • Added Map to show the number of sighting based on zip code
  • Borough filter to see visualisation borough wise.

Here is the Image of the visualisation I created (Click on image to get interactive version):

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For #MakeoverMonday week 26, it was huge dataset about London’s Cycle hire usage (Boris Bikes) :

Here is the original viz was created by Sophie Sparkles:

Screen Shot 2018-06-21 at 12.19.45 pm.png

To access the entire data from 2012 to 2018, one can use Exasol data source shared here or one can download the dataset for 2017 from

Here is what I did:

  • I wanted to see correlation between weekday and hourly data hence use heat map with bar charts to see the data.
  • Added highest and lowest hour highlight
  • Use filter of year to filter for the year and use the map to see all the pick up points in London
  • added interactivity on graphs and maps to provide option to filter on any pick up point and analyze the data

Here is the Gif of the visualisation I created (download on the gif to download the Tableau file):

Use following steps to connect to database post of file:

  • Navigate to the sign-up page to register
  • You will receive an email with your credentials
  • Download the EXASOL driver (Tableau 32 bitTableau 64 bitTableau Mac OS)
  • A connection prompt will appear once you start dragging fields onto your worksheet. Enter your credentials (from the above email) in the connection prompt
  • start your analysis

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