This week’s #workoutwednesday was about comparing last 2 periods sales for a sub-category using date functions with customize tooltips.


  • Dashboard size should be 600×700.
  • The Change field should be displayed as a number, not a string.
  • Sub-Category should be sorted ascending by Change.
  • Tooltips should match exactly.
  • Prior Month and Most Recent Month should always be matching days, for example: If the max order date is 6/15/2017: the most recent month range should be orders between 6/1/2017-6/15/2017 and the prior month range should be 5/1/2017-5/15/2017.
  • Make sure your audience knows the dates in question by providing a note about the date ranges above the viz, and make sure that the date range displays match the colors of the dots in the viz..
  • Display the x-axis on top of the viz, and use the traditional x-axis space for a color legend.
  • Show the mark label on hover *for the most recent month only*. If the value for the most recent month is *lower* than the prior month, the mark label should be displayed to the left of the dot. If the value for the most recent month is *higher* than the prior month, the mark label should be displayed to the right of the dot.

Below is my attempt to meet the above requirements:

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This week’s #workoutwednesday was about creating small multiple grids to use the char() function extended to use unicode characters.


  • Create 1 sheet with a Small Multiple of 20X5 Grids for each Sub-Category in Office Supplies
  • The percent of Total segment starts from the Bottom Right.
  • The Sub-Category name needs to be above the Grid, with the Percent of Total
  • Dashboard is 800X800

My attempt to create the chart as per requirement:

Here’s the steps I did to re-create the dashboard shared:

Step 1: Import the super store data into Tableau and created 2 calculated field named rows & columns as shown in screen shots (taken from hint given on Andy’s post):

Step 2: Drag row into rows shelf and columns in column shelf then apply context filter on “Office supplies” categories.

Step 3: Drag sub-categories to text label in Marks area and sort the data by sales then for both rows & columns compute using –> sub-category. Next is to perform the calculation into discrete mode for both rows & columns

Step 4: Create a calculated field “% of total” using below formula:

Next is to create calculated field “Circle”

Now create calculated field “block” to create line break in field:

Step 5:  Next is to finally create last 2 calculated field named Right and Left to show circles on the chart as required:



Step 6: Drag % of total, left and right into Marks shelf and adjust the screen view to entire view:

Now, format the Label text as below:


Hope you enjoyed the post 🙂

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This week’s #workoutwednesday was about creating radial chart with lines equally spaced on the percent of the year completed.


  • Use sales for 2017.
  • The size of the dashboard 500px x 600px.
  • If you think of the segments as a clock, Week 1 should be at the 12:00 position.
  • The weeks should be evenly spaced based on the week number.
  • You’ll be using geometry. The minimum radius is 1. The maximum radius is 2.3. (Spoilers provide some math help.)
  • The space between the segments is .15.
  • Note the tooltips to get some assistance on your math.

Here is my radial chart using LOD functions and bit of trigonometry functions to generate chart:

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